and the Etruscian-Venetian Alphabet
problem for chronology and for the theory of communication
![]() Karlsruhe · 2005 |
![]() Here the author puts his hand deep in the festering wound of the medieaval action of forging the world history, but without finding an answer to the problem. After all it refers to spaces of time which are separated not less than 400 years – an inexplicable dark age in which both types has vanished from earth completely, and that from the last centuries of the first millenium B.C. to the 2nd and 3rd century. The more inconceivable it is how the Etruscian letters could appear totally unexpected like from nowhere at the Germanic people in Scandinavia, in England, Romania, at he Alps, at the Alamans of Southern Germany a. s. o. and this in barely changed form. But the question hinges not only on about 400 years. If for the Etruscian letters are claimed a period of using from the early 7th century B. C. to about 200 B. C., but for the runes from about 200 to the 14th century of the Christian Era, there is yawning a temporary shift of not less than 900 years in the starting point of both types. But for which exceedingly similiar types in almost whole Europe when it is chronologically impossible that continental communication existed at all? A brain-twisting belief... The Etruscian-Venetian-Germanic letters could only have been used at the same time! But if the Etruscian epoch draws near the 14th century the period, in which the Roman Empire with its Latin language and writing should habe been exist, will be eliminated. One of the most provocative theories of the Moscow Chronology-critics Anatolij Fomenko 2) has found a material proof, but not the only one. How should we imagine the Roman Empire after all? If we take both periods in congruence, the Etruscian epoch from ~700 B. C. to ~200 B. C. and the time of migration of nations, the early und high Middle Ages of the Teutons and Vikings from ~200 to 1400, it´s getting obvious, that the thesis of Fomenko must be true, the Roman Empire and civilization with its architecture and literature might habe been identical with the Renaissance resp. only a virtual by time-forgering literature artificially aged construction of this late Middle Age epoch. Classical Roman Architecture is in Reality Hellenistic The objection that the architecture of the Romans is demonstrable on a large scale and that therefore the Romans must have exist plainly is a fallacy. Because this buildings laid in ruins almost throughout the Middle Ages and therefore they have to originate before a period-separating catastrophe they are not explainable by the imitating buildings of the Renaissance. This buildings refers to temples and arenas of the hellenistic epoch, which started in Italy at the same time as the Etruscian epoch and run parallel with it and which should habe been exist, according to the orthodox theory, only in Sicilia and Southern Italy. Logically the mass of ostensible Roman buildings can only be connected to a civilization which talked Greek. The Roman Literature is Temporary to the Renaissance All written evidence of alleged Roman times in Latin language and letters, the biographies of the Cesars, Tacitus, the philosophers of the state and many more are therefore faked and originated not before 1400. Also Wilhelm Kammeier 3) 4) 5) had claimed in the 30ies of the 20th century that Middle Ages and early Christianity are forgeries of the Humanists. The question arises what was the motive of this forgery – and the answer can only be found in the pivotal of christianity, which was the dominant ideology of this time with absolut power, in the Christian calendar, which is founded purely and simply on the historical authenticity of Jesus Christ. The doubts of historians about the real existence of the Saviour are vast. The forged datings of epochs and civilized nations (e. g. the Etruscian and Celtic-Germanic) make plain when more than 1000 years have to be striked off the calendar that he couldn´t have exist in the alleged space of time 2000 years ago. How this forgery of calendar was managed only at about 1500 shall be shown in a following article.
The Latin language und letters are arranged by the science of history chronologically after the Etruscian as that. Consequently you cannot face the introduction of Latin characters before about 1400 in whole Europe, and thereby it becomes clear that Germanics and Romans resp. Italians introduced the Latin characters at the same time. Another not concerted action would have been total nonsense as defined by the theory of communication. Writing serves the purpose of communication, that´s how it is. An one-sided proceeding would habe been a failure for all. The sender would have been in need of a receiver. Thereby one of the big mysteries of the authors schoolyears finds it solution, that is why are the Germanics assumed to be incapable to learn the Latin characters and communicate with the Romans. The archeologists and the science of history cannot detect any documentary evidence of correspondence of both civilizations. Our ancestors surely might not have been so stupid, in no case less intelligent than the colonized folks of the last centuries, who altogether learned the writings of their conquerors and used it busy. Were the Romans in Reality Goths? But the most cryptic for the author in this book is the representation of a noble family named Balsi 7), whose coat of arms shows a sevenstar on a three-stepped pyramid, which is distorted in a way (two of the beams are pointing up and down and are symbolizing the vertical line as a meridian) which you can find only more in the coat of arms of the knights of Sternenfels over the church-portal of this little „Kraichgau“-community 8). A forgotten civilisation Herewith it´s becoming more and more obvious that the civilization of the North must have been just as superior as the South, because they had command of the same only adapted and modified runic source, a matter of fact which gives Scardigli an idea of „a continuity which is due to strict organization“. The discovery of colossal stone-monuments in huge cuts in the rock of the secondary chain of mountains 9) makes clear that a complete high civilization with its material architectonic evidence was totally failed to notice. The greater part of this gigantic buildings (lateral lengths up to 250 m and 440 m) are barrows (long cairns). It is to be expected that the most of them are stepped like similar as pyramids supposed buildings on the Canarian Islands. Therefore it refers to a type of Northern-German and Northern-European „Hünenbetten“ (barrows), which is only accomodated to the mountainous country and its stone deposit. In this manner Barbarossa, the Suebian prince and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, becomes the last Celtic-Germanic cesar. In which way this has to be proved requires further formulated articles, that shall introduce to the extensive research work of the time -reconstructors. |