Authors · · ·
Günter Lüling

[*1928- Syria]

Theologist - Arabist

Lives in
· Germany

Dr. Günter Lüling was born as the youngest son (he had four siblings) of a protestant missionary in the Near East. The family returned to Germany in 1936; during 1942/43, Günter, then 14 years old, faced a trial for his refusal to lead a Hitlerjugend group, which ended with a mild sentence. From January 1944 until the end of the World War II, Lüling served as soldier and was made prisoner, but luckily escaped. He underwent training as a bricklayer in Western Germany until 1947; in 1949 he was able to finish secondary school and from 1950 onwards studied Protestant Theology besides Latin, Greek and German Philology; in order to specialize on the Old Testament, he learnt Arabic and Aramaic as well. He reached his Theology degree in Göttingen in 1954 with an excellent result.

As Lüling had made already public his criticism of Trinity, following A. Schweitzer and Martin Werner, he had little chances to choose a job inside the Church or to achieve a higher degree in Theology. Therefore he studied once more, this time Political Sciences together with Sociology and Islam, and took his degree in 1957. Once more, ideological reasons obstructed his career. In 1960 he married Hannelore, who accompanied him henceforth as a wholehearted co-worker.

From 1962 to 1965, Lüling worked as director of the Goethe-Institut in Aleppo (Syria). It was there where he learned the modern Arabic language, a knowledge that was later important for his studies of the Primitive Koran. Later he worked in the German University and finally offered a thesis about the interpretation of certain suras of the Koran as ancient Christian songs. Although this research was granted the highest possible qualification, he was dismissed from University in 1972. An extended version, offered for dissertation, was refused in 1974 and Lüling published it as a book by his own means. After six years of trial, his dismissal from University was confirmed by the Court, in spite of the positive views of foreign scientists.

Lüling worked throughout the next 13 years with a very limited income and retired in 1991. His book about the Primitive Koran was never accepted for printing in Germany. Although it has been many a times discussed in other countries, nobody dares to take a public position on this subject nor tries to refute in a scientific way Lülings views that "essential parts of the Koran are much older than de Prophet". Finally he managed to publish an English version in India in 2003.

Since 1982, Lüling has returned to subjects related to the Old Testament and the Ancient History. He is writing now a "Ancient History of the Hebrews" which will be "liberal-theological" and "critical" and will lay the ground for a long-term conciliation of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Some parts of this extense work have already been published in small newsletters.

Contributions to Cronologo  
As Author
Islam and History of Israel Islam as a return of Christian Arabia to older heathendom · The Worship of Heights · Vendetta rights · The expansion of Judaism Günter Lüling
1985 · 27 pages
The Passover of Jesus "He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish": a rite of conspiracy · The resistance of tribal Israelites against the power of Jewish priests · Günter Lüling
2004 · 15 pages
Yesterday's Prussia and the Islam of tomorrow The critical analysis of islam, created by the liberal Prussian theology, is nowadays excluded from the science Günter Lüling
2006 · 20 pages

Other books by Günter Lüling  
  • 1974: Über den Ur-Qur'an (Published by own means)
  • 1981: Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Mohammed
  • 1982: Das Passahlamm und die Altarabische Mutter der Blutrache, die Hyäne [ZRGG 34 130-147.]
  • 1984: Archaische Wörter und Sachen im Wallfahrtswesen am Zionsberg [Dielheimer Blätter z. AT (DBAT) 20 (1984), 52-59]1982
