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You may search the Library by subject. Obviously, these only cover roughly some broad areas which are outlined below. As a rule, the papers listed under "General' offer an overview of the chronologic debate as a whole and are suitable for a first approach to the subject. Any other paper might be better understood if you had already some general knowledge of the framework of shortened chronology.

astronomieAstronomy —Since the beginning of civilisation, Man has observed the sky and also given testimony of their observations — be it by building stone temples, be it in manuscripts not always well conserved. Greek and Arab astronomers knew precise data about Ecliptic, Precession and the length of the year long before Copernicus came up with his model. Their data are so precise that they allow sometimes to check irregularities in the motion of the Earth.

kalenderCalendar —The calendar ist based on astronomical observations, so you might look also in this category to find papers about Astronomy. But there is more to it: many calendars, be they orally transmitted or fixed in written documents, give us hints about ancient astronomic data, as do feasts, the days of the saints and the popular traditions associated to them.

katastropheCatastrophs —Most of the authors who publish their research on newchronology are catastrophists, i.e. they believe that throughout the history of the Earth, sudden movements and changes have taken place, caused by geological, cosmic or electromagnetic conditions. Evolution is not always gradual and doesn't need millions of years to achieve a new stage, as most scholars believe today. Catastrophism is older than Gradualism and was already advocated by Cuvier (in the 18th century).
datierungDating —To date archaeological findings is a huge problem. The radiocarbon method, long considered absolutely trustworthy, is not precise enough to offer really good results. Also other methods, like Dendrochronology, have their flaws: more often than not they must be calibrated first by using objects already dated (supposedly beyond any doubt). Finally, the analysis does only confirm what was supposed in the first place as the correct date.

sprachenLanguage and Writing —Long ago, scholars looked for the 'primitive language of humankind' which would be the one any other idiom is derived from. But languages do not only divide into dialects, they also may merge, interact and form crossbreeds. Taking into account that many 'ancient' texts were written not earlier than the Renaissance, we might conclude that 'standard languages' like Latin, Ancient Greek or Classical Arabic are younger than the vernacular languages still spoken today.
Coins —Coins are very valuable for historians.... unless they are faked (unfortunately, there are much more fakes in the collections then we would like to think) and unless they are just used to fill in blank spaces in an already fixed timeframe. There is hardy any European dated coin before the 16th century that could be related beyond any doubt to a modern chronological reckoning . Only the Arabic-Islamic coins are nearly always dated.

architekturArchitecture —This section contains articles about archaeological monuments —walls, temples, pyramids, stone circles, tombs... Many of them still challenge any explanation to their use or their building technique.

TechnikTechnology —Here we analyse technical progress of early civilisations and their influence on the social or political development. One of the most fascinating periods is that of the Bronze Age, when the use of metal lays the basis for a new social order. Also the still unsolved mystery of the cart ruts is part of this section.

christentumReligion —Christianity is much younger than we believe. The attempt to give the Church a venerable age might be even the single most important motive for our wrong chronology. Probably, the Christian Church in its modern shape was formed at the same time as Judaism and Islam —these three religions influenced each other from the beginning. Up to this date there was a pagan religion in Europe.

islamIslam —The Arabic historiography has been manipulated, too. The history of Islam must be rewritten as well from a neutral and scholarly viewpoint, not influenced by faith. In this section we include also articles about many other aspects of the 'Arabic-Islamic' civilisation, even if not directly related to religion.

falschungFakes —Throughout the last centuries, a huge amount of archaeological findings —manuscripts, stone engravings, coins, sculptures, jewelry...— have been unmasked as fakes. A still bigger amount, it seems, is unfortunately still present in museums all over the world and goes on shaping our knowledge of history. Faking is not something of the past: every year, new fakes are produced and sometimes placed in scientific institutions.

entwicklungEvolution —Here we treat the evolution of Man, his appearance among other animal species and the geological and biological conditions that shaped his development. Look here for all palaeontological contributions. Even in this field, chronology might have to be rewritten.

buchBooksnewchronology publishes frequently book reviews, both of modern books and works written in former centuries. As these are no literary reviews, the reviewer more often than not will step right into the subject and question data, expose errors or offer different conclusions, effectively converting these texts in papers of their own. Therefore, the book reviews are not always listed here but frequently under the subject header the book is about.
