Los trabajos en la Biblioteca se asignan a alguna de las seis épocas explicadas abajo. Desde luego no proponemos que la Historia se pueda estructura de esta manera; se trata únicamente de una ayuda al lector para encontrar con mayor facilidad un artículo buscado.
Early Ages With this expression we refer to the ages before any known human civilisation. That means that you'll find here articles about the early geological history of our Planet, but also those referred to the evolution of Man as a species or to very early stages of humankind, with almost no known remains, except a few skeletons or tools.
Prehistory This sections refers to the cultures more or less well-known through their remains, be it pyramids, megalithic structures or inscriptions, but located before the appearance of Greek and Roman civilisation in Europe, or other closely related cultures. That stretches from the Bronze Age to the Pharaoh's empire and the Phoenicians - cultures dated only by deductions based mainly on biblical tradition.
Antiquity The Greek and Roman cultures -that includes related cultures in other geographical spaces, such as the Ptolemaic Egypt- compose together what we use to call the Classic Epoch. But it seems that the biggest part - if not all - of the written monuments of that culture was really created in the Renaissance. Some are even later fakes.
Middle Ages The Middle Ages are hard to define - the term itself shows that this period ist "something between" the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The articles on this page will show us that maybe there was very little or almost nothing in between.
This is also the section to look for articles about fakes which were produced in the Renaissance or later, but pretend to be artefacts from the Middle Ages.
Renaissance Was it really a Re-naissance (rebirth) that laid the base of our modern History? In the Renaissance, quite a big deal of pieces of art, documents and texts were freshly created, even if they pretend to be an 'ancient legacy'.
History was written and to some extent also faked. It is in the Renaissance that our self-understanding and the timefram for our history was fixed.
Present Here we list articles about the past few centuries; normally the'll offer biographies of fore-runners of the chronological research. Normally, newchronology does not work on historic facts after the 16th century. If looking for an article about recently elaborated fakes, you should search under the epoch where the object has been purportedly been produced.