Actualities 2019
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Berlin · 2019 Uwe
In 2017, we started to share the news of the moment in an informative ever growing article. This idea was continued last year and will be likewise this year, too. For the moment here an English summary of the items:
Innovation: archive of old articles
What's new in 2019?
There are again astonishing new findings by K. Walter Haug and his group in the realm of prehistoric cairns in Germany and Switzerland, presented in several articles on his website:
I have visited some of the places and just enclose a photo of a new enigmatic site:
Stones at a slope in Southern Germany (photo U. Topper). There are hundreds of similar monuments.
During last summer a great number of cairns or pyramids (as Walter Haug calls them) have been discovered by the team of Haug in the region between Heilbronn and Stuttgart. Perhaps we could call them mounds, as they have many features in common with those mounds in the USA which were errected for dead personalities or for ceremonies, probably for both reasons together. I was shown some outstanding examples with huge stonewalls. Have a look on the website of Haug :
The new Heinsohn theory is presented on Malaga Bay
There is also a discussion of the dates of the comet Halley lead by Gunnar Heinsohn and Clark Whelton against Martin Sieff:
Recently Heinsohn said good-bye to his circle of e-mail followers because the work on the first millennium AD seems to be finished and might soon appear as book. Here is the work:
Our friend Gert Meier died in January this year. An obituary to this innovative author of books on megalithic cultures, the development of languages and the interpretation of myths is given here. For one of Meiers books I firmed as co-author: (2003): Meier, Gert; Topper, Uwe und Zschweigert, Hermann: Das Geheimnis des Elsaß. Was geschah damals am Odilienberg? (Tübingen)
New article by Uwe Topper: Finding the age by using the angle of the ecliptic
An appendix to the article "The diminishing angle of the ecliptic"
and the book "Jahrkreuz" (2016). I was working on this particular subject since 2008: "Cataclysms are the reasons for our wrong chronology" and more precise in an article that appeared Oct. 2014 in London : "Astronomical Dating of Proto-Historical Remains Gives Contradictory Results" in: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2017:2, pp. 43-46, UK.
The new article is also a comment on the book of Dodwell, on Faulkner and on Richards.
More headlines of actualities:
As the magazine "Zeitensprünge" has ceased to appear by the end of last year, there are no more news from the editorial. It is still hoped that all articles of the past 30 years might be available electronically to everybody. It is further hoped that some writings of Günter Lüling may be edited by Illig in the near future, as he suggested in 2015.
Just revealed to insiders: Illig continues his magazine with online articles: Zeitensprünge
Cart-tracks in the rock surface
More and more rock tracks are being discovered at a rapid pace! The more numerous the various rock testimonies are photographed and measured worldwide, the sooner we can reach to a solution of the enigma. That's why I bring new hints here, even if I could not verify them.
To my entry on further tracks 2018 "in Mexico: Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl, north of Puebla (photos of Josef Otto)," now arrives more information from the track pieces are between 90 cm to 9 m long and in certain places up to 40 cm deeply cut. According to the photo, they are profusely distributed over the plain.
Furthermore also brings a link to a Russian site "Earth before the Flood", which shows among others some photos of tracks in India: www. The tracks are located at Bidar in the heart of the subcontinent, NW of Hyderabad.
Even in Spain, more and more tracks have been signaled: this time at Jumilla (Prov. Murcia); and in Orbaneja del Castillo (Burgos, on the Ebro), whose theatrical limestone rock is quite suitable for such testimonies.
Then there are also some tracks in the Crimea. And of course, there is no lack of reference (with photos) to the vast and totally confused accumulation of tracks at Kayseri (Turkey). Here's an example:
Foto A. Kusnjetsova
Another traveller who investigates cart ruts is Uwe Schneider whose website brings marvellous photos of the earliest of my findings in Spain from 1972: Castellar de Meca, as well as new discoveries.
The Brazilian cart ruts I mentioned last year found near Sousa (Paraiba) are item of a short video where Jackson Queiroga interviews paleontologist Luiz Carlos da Silva Gomes who mentions that footprints of dinosaurs are at the same spot, and hints to aliens due to the complexity of the problem.
In the USA, there are more tracks: on the Oregon Trail, well marked in a protected hiking area. They are described as the traces of the first settlers and traders who traversed the area, after 1830 and 1860. However, the photos teach that a better solution has to be found.
And tracks are shown in Arizona, near White Cliff Road north of Kingman, Route 66.
Remarkable and nearly unbelievable: there are cart ruts on Easter Island. Three photos of book author Walter-Jörg Langbein are shown on the site of Uwe Schneider.
The well-known catastrophist Milton Syzman died in September 2019 in Toronto.
Born in Toronto in 1936, co-founder of CSIS, the Canadian group of the SIS (Society for Interdisciplinary Studies), he organized in 1990 the symposium 'Velikovsky Reconsidered' at the Univ. Toronto.
Milton Syzman was 83 years old, he had been completely blind since the 70s and needed dialysis. Everyone agrees that he did not complain and appeared fresh, alert and humorous. His contribution to the chronological vision were astronomical-geophysical topics, such as the role that comets played in the development of the planetary system (documented together with Gunnar Heinsohn 2008).
Catastrophism 2000, Toronto July 1990 Co-edited with Clark Whelton
Tales of a recent comet, Toronto July 1997 (With Frank Wallace)
as well as numerous essays and lectures.
I was fortunate to meet this versatile researcher on his visit to Berlin in connection with Gunnar Heinsohn and was able to talk to him for a long time. He was very well informed and broadly interested, spoke about unsolved geological questions, but apparently had not heard of Glacial Cosmogony of Hörbiger and followed my comments with open-mindedness. That's how we got connected.
Milton Syzman gave a lecture on his new ideas concerning geological problems, in Berliner Geschichtssalon (Bellevue, Berlin), translated directly by Gunnar Heinsohn, as members of the BGS recall; alas, being away on a journey I could not attend.
Innovation: We have started a new branch on this site, an archive of old articles which are not easy to find in the web.
Here are the first examples, for the moment only in German.
More news are going to be added. You can give hints or articles here. See also the next year: actualities 2020
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