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Berlin · 2018 Uwe
In 2017, we started to share the news of the moment in an informative article, initially only in German. This idea shall be pursued in the other three languages. For the moment here an English summary of the items:
So, what's new in 2018?
The most astonishing latest finds of K. Walter Haug in the realm of prehistoric cairns in Germany and Switzerland is presented in 6 articles on his website:
see last article here:
The difference between traditional ideas of pole shifts and Uwe Topper's:
The Diminishing obliquity of the Earth
The new Heinsohn theory is presented. Three articles are available:
Peter Winzeler : Winzeler's juxtaposition of the theses of Topper and Heinsohn 1st millennium Dating
Uwe Topper Gunnar Heinsohn's new thesis in contrast to Uwe Topper's 1st millennium Dating
Gunnar Heinsohn : Letter to Heribert Illig's birthday
Recently received from Heinsohn: his work on Augustus - Diokletian is highly recomended by Peter Winzeler
and can be downloaded here :
The website malagabay brings some more articles by Gunnat Heinsohn of which I am citing two phrases :
"Historians do not recognize that they have duplicated history by employing two different dating schemes. The period from the 9th to the 6th century BC follows the chronology used in the Hebrew Bible. Dates from the 6th to 3rd /2nd centuries are mostly derived from Greek (Herodotus etc.) or Latin texts. Livius employed the same historical narratives several times to reach back to 753 BC."
"We will see that 1st millennium pre-Hellenistic periods do not only appear twice but thrice in our history books. The third dating scheme to accomplish such an achievement did not originate from biblical or Greek chronology, but was created by erroneous attempts of astronomical retro-calculations. They pushed 1st milennium material way back into the 2nd millennium BC."
Attention! Latest news (October 18, 2018): Gunnar Heinsohn nearly finishes his new book of 600 pages concerning the 1st millennium of our chronology, and opens for all interested readers a summary of 60 pages:
There is also a special condensed text on one page for newcomers:
More news:
Reviews of the magazine "Zeitensprünge" 3/2017 and 1/2018, and sad news: "Zeitensprünge" ceases to appear
K. Walter Haug: new discoveries - see his website for five new articles: Many quarries in Central Europe testify to a technically advanced civilisation hitherto unheard of:
Cart-tracks in the rock (have a look here)
The Neanderthal man (not yet translated)
The lies of Mellaart uncovered James Mellaart is postumously convicted of lifelong forgeries
Ilya Topper writes:
Yesterday I read in a Turkish newspaper a note which had been published some days ago in the English press (March 12th, 2018): James Mellaart has now been branded as trickster and counterfeiter by scrutinizing his legacy five years after his death:
All the wall drawings he excavated in Catalhoyuk (allegedly 9,000 years old) he had designed himself. Moreover, he operated archeological forgery until the end of his life (2012). In his last will he asked to publish after his death the Luwian inscriptions discovered by him, if it had not been possible before. It was only just recently in December 2017 that a successor and archeologist, Eberhard Zangger, by browsing Mellaart's estate, found out that Mellaart had also written those inscriptions himself. This now he has indignantly hung on the big bell: Mellaart played that game for 50 years! The conclusion is that whatever Mellaart ever touched must be considered wrong, because if anything real should be there, it can not be separated from his inventions.
Of course, this does not surprise us (see here our contribution from 2002 "Forgeries in Anatolia"), but it can provide us another fragment to the overall picture: The so often observed strategy of some counterfeiters that consists in publishing their inventions only after their death, when selfishness can be no more suspected to be the motivation. The experts are now asking why Mellaart did it.
Mellaart was accused of falsification already in 1965 by Peter Ucko using art stylistics, and in August 1971 by others in London using the Thermoluminescence method; so some experts since then knew about the desaster (see Hamblin). Likewise, Illig knew it also, in 1988.
Postscript: According to wikipedia, Mellaart taught Anatolian archeology from 1964 to 2005 at the Institute of Archeology of the University of London. The overall view of history for Anatolia set up by him is no longer to be extinguished, all archeologic information about this part of the world and time is completely abstruse.
Head of an "archaic" pig from Hacelar / Anatolia. Photo: U. Topper
Hamblin, Dora Jane (1973): Buried Cities and Ancient Treasures ( USA)
Pearson, Kenneth, und Connor, Patricia (1968): The Dorak Affair (New York)
Ilya Topper, March 23rd , 2018
There is a postscript in German here
More headlines of actualities:
New dating of rock paintings
Conflict around the Celtic myth. Review of the book by Jean-Louis Brunaux: The Celts.
The myth "Celts" is critically examined by an established archeologist and historian, Jean-Louis Brunaux (director at the CNRS) who sweeps the corresponding inventions and gives the dreamy romantics of Pan-Celtism the long-needed enlightenment: strictly speaking, Celts existed only as a tribal federation between the 6th and 1st century BC in central and southern France. This term was (mainly in the 19th century) extended to the "Celtic" islands and decorated with monuments of a nearly forgotten language, such as the songs of Ossian and the Breton bards, partially due to political reasons which began with the Huguenots (16th century) and proliferated in the revolution. Today, Europe-wide Celts are part of standard knowledge.
See book review of Brunaux, Jean-Louis (2014): Les Celtes - Histoire d'un mythe (Belin éditeur, Paris)
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