What is newchronology?
newchronology advocates a new and critical view of our History.
It shows the work of a growing movement of researchers who analyse all conventional data of our History with a critical look. The debates hold so far have us brought to the conclusion that the chronology of our History, such as it is taught in school, is mistaken and must be totally reviewed.
The chronological framework in which we use to locate the development of our civilisations —the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the emerging of Christianity, the Middle Ages...— are not more than a convention agreed upon in the 14th and 15ht century. It is scarcely based on true facts and most of all on the need of certain powerful groups to create a History adapted to their aims.
Can that be demonstrated in a scholarly way? Yes. Our work shows through a detailed analysis and using the best available sources that most of the ideas which make up the memory of our civilisation are based on faked documents.
The theories that are proposed on newchronology change completely our vision of History. On the Headline page you'll find an abstract of the most surprising results. Anyhow, at this stage, newchronology does not try to offer a definite schema of the reviewed History: that is still not possibly. It aims rather to show what is going on in the debate. It offers articles, papers, reviews of books and critical essays, not always committed to the same view but rather broad in range.
There are many participants in this debate: sociologists, engineers, physicists.... Most of them live in Germany, where several dozens of books and different newsletters give an idea of the avancing debate. There is also a growing participation of French, British and American experts. In Russia exists another Historical School which proposes a radical revision of our chronology.
This is not a new debate, although it has been resumed now with new strength. Nonetheless, in every century researchers and historians —often highly respected scholars (see background) — have discovered that our vision of History is based on faked documents. Their writings were discussed at their time but later put to oblivion. newchronology offers biographical information about them and reviews their works.