The Archive
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Berlin · 2020 Uwe
First of all: This Archive contains only English articles. By far more books and articles are to be found on the German page of this section: Archiv
The Archive contains articles of Uwe Topper and colleagues that have appeared on different occasions but are nowadays difficult to access.
Here a translation of an abstract of the first two books of Uwe Topper on the theme of chronology reconstruction.
Invented History (1999) by Uwe Topper
This abstract was written in 1999 by the author for the use by colleagues in England and USA without the intention to publish this text. There was hope that a publisher would get interested to translate and publish my books, but nobody did. Although some of the results quoted here are surpassed and had to be altered and even corrected during the last two decades, it still gives a good insight into the state of research at that time.
horra, the first Europeans (1999/2003) by Uwe Topper
This article was published as: "The Beginning of the Metal Age : horra, the first Europeans", in: migration and diffusion, vol. 4/ no. 14 (Vienna 2003) ISSN 1563-440X (about 20 pp) . It is a summary of the book "horra. Die ersten Europäer" published in Germany 2003.
Das Erbe der Giganten (1977) by Uwe Topper
This f irst book by Uwe Topper is quite rare nowadays. In this evaluation the author gives an insight into this nearly fifty years old work, explaining what has changed since then and what is still valid.
More articles are to follow soon. If somebody wants to contribute he is welcome.
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